Dusa Jesih, The One, acrylic on canvas, 100x100cm, 2019-21

Dusa Jesih, Hugly, acrylic o canvas, 100x100cm, 2020-21

Dusa Jesih, Mehr als das | More than this, acrylic on canvas, 100x100cm, 2021-22

Duša Jesih, Point of view, 2023

Dusa jesih, Confrontation, 2023
Duša Jesih's "Le rouge et le Noir" cycle of paintings is a series of red-white-black paintings that explore the complexities of human experience, delving into themes of love, loss, and the profound questions of existence. Jesih's mastery of geometrical minimalism, evident in her stark and simplified forms, imbues the works with an almost iconic quality, reminiscent of ancient symbols etched onto sacred walls.
The cycle's title, "Le rouge et le Noir," aptly reflects the contrasting emotions and forces that propel the series. The color red is often associated with love, passion, and danger. In Jesih's paintings, red is used to represent the intensity and destructiveness of love. The color white is often associated with purity, innocence, and death. In Jesih's paintings, white is used to represent the emptiness and void that is left behind when love dies. The color black is often associated with darkness, mystery, and the unknown. In Jesih's paintings, black is used to represent the depths of the human psyche.
The paintings in the "Le rouge et le Noir" cycle are all about the extremes of human experience. They are about the love that is so intense that it can destroy us, the death that is so inevitable that it can haunt us, and the existential questions that can plague us.
Jesih's "Le rouge et le Noir" cycle is not for the faint of heart. It is a collection of works that confront the raw, unfiltered emotions that define human existence. The paintings are unapologetically honest, delving into the depths of love, loss, and the fundamental questions that haunt us all. Yet, amidst the darkness and vulnerability, there is an undeniable beauty and power in Jesih's work, a testament to the artist's ability to capture the essence of the human condition with such unflinching clarity.
The cycle's impact lingers long after viewing, prompting introspection and inviting dialogue about the complexities of human experience. Jesih's paintings serve as a mirror, reflecting our deepest fears and desires, our moments of triumph and despair. They challenge us to confront the darkness within, embrace the vulnerability of existence, and seek meaning amidst the chaos of life.
The cycle's impact lingers long after viewing, prompting introspection and inviting dialogue about the complexities of human experience. Jesih's paintings serve as a mirror, reflecting our deepest fears and desires, our moments of triumph and despair. They challenge us to confront the darkness within, embrace the vulnerability of existence, and seek meaning amidst the chaos of life.
Cikel slik "Le rouge et le Noir" Duše Jesih je serija rdeče-belo-črnih slik, ki raziskujejo kompleksnost človeške izkušnje, se poglabljajo v teme ljubezni, izgube in vprašanj so-bivanja. Njeno obvladovanje geometrijskega minimalizma, ki se kaže v njenih ostrih in poenostavljenih oblikah, prežema dela s skoraj ikoničnostjo, ki spominja na starodavne simbole, vklesane na sakralne stene.
Naslov cikla, Le rouge et le Noir, odraža kontrastna čustva in sile, ki so rdeča nit serije. Rdeča barva je pogosto povezana z ljubeznijo, strastjo in nevarnostjo. V umetničinih slikah je rdeča barva uporabljena za ponazoritev intenzivnosti in destruktivnosti ljubezni. Bela barva je pogosto povezana s čistostjo, nedolžnostjo in smrtjo. Na njenih slikah bela barva predstavlja praznino, ki ostane, ko ljubezen umre. Črna barva je pogosto povezana s temo, skrivnostjo in neznanim. Pri njej črna barva predstavlja globino človeške psihe.
Slike v ciklu "Le rouge et le Noir" govorijo o ekstremih človeških izkušenj. Govorijo o ljubezni, ki je tako močna, da nas lahko uniči, o smrti, ki je tako neizogibna, da nas lahko preganja, in o eksistencialnih vprašanjih, ki nas lahko pestijo.
Dušin cikel "Le rouge et le Noir" ni za tiste s slabim srcem. Gre za zbirko del, ki se soočajo s surovimi, nefiltriranimi čustvi, ki opredeljujejo človeški obstoj. Slike so neprimerno iskrene, poglabljajo se v globine ljubezni, izgube in temeljnih vprašanj, ki nas vse preganjajo. Toda sredi tême in ranljivosti sta tudi neizpodbitna lepota in moč, ki pričata o umetničini sposobnosti, da s tako neomajno jasnostjo zajame bistvo človeškega stanja.
Slike iz t.i. ciklusa spodbujajo introspekcijo in vabijo k dialogu o kompleksnosti človeške izkušnje, so kot zrcalo, v katerem se odsevajo naši najgloblji strahovi in želje, naši trenutki zmagoslavja in obupa. Izzivajo nas, da se soočimo s temo v sebi, sprejmemo ranljivost obstoja in iščemo smisel sredi kaosa življenja.
Slike iz t.i. ciklusa spodbujajo introspekcijo in vabijo k dialogu o kompleksnosti človeške izkušnje, so kot zrcalo, v katerem se odsevajo naši najgloblji strahovi in želje, naši trenutki zmagoslavja in obupa. Izzivajo nas, da se soočimo s temo v sebi, sprejmemo ranljivost obstoja in iščemo smisel sredi kaosa življenja.