Upcoming vernissage
Sat 24 Jun 2023
12.00 - 17.00
This year's grand summer show at Galleri Weinberger Schandorff revolves around the colour, orange. The exhibition showcases the talent and diversity of all the gallery's artists, each contributing a unique orange artwork. With a dedicated focus on abstract non-figuration, minimalism, and concrete art, Artwork Orange promises to be a captivating exploration of these specific artistic styles all in different variations of the colour orange.
'Artwork Orange'
24 Jun - 19 Aug 2023
Finissage / Summer Party
19 Aug 2023
Sat 24 Jun 2023
12.00 - 17.00
Upon entering the gallery, visitors are immediately greeted by a symphony of vivid orange hues, dominating the space. The walls are adorned with a carefully curated collection of abstract paintings, sculptures, and installations, all pulsating with the energy and vibrancy of the color orange. The exhibition's overarching theme serves as a unifying force, allowing visitors to witness the myriad interpretations and expressions of the participating artists.
'Artwork Orange' celebrates the power of abstraction, encouraging viewers to transcend the boundaries of traditional representation and embrace the realm of pure form and colour. Artists from diverse backgrounds and different artistic practices have come together to create a vivid visual feast.
In one corner of the gallery, visitors encounter an array of minimalistic compositions. These pieces embody the essence of simplicity, using clean lines, geometric shapes, and precise arrangements to evoke a sense of harmony and balance. The artists' masterful manipulation of space and colour invites viewers to contemplate the relationship between the artwork and its surroundings.
Moving further into the exhibition, one discovers concrete art pieces that blur the boundaries between painting and sculpture. These works demonstrate a meticulous attention to detail, with carefully constructed forms and textures that engage the viewer both visually and tactilely. Each piece is a testament to the artists' technical prowess and their ability to transform ordinary materials into extraordinary artistic statements.
The non-representational nature of the artworks on display allows viewers to bring their own interpretations and emotions to the forefront. As they immerse themselves in the exhibition, they are invited to explore their own personal connections to the colour orange and the evocative power of abstract art. Whether it evokes a sense of warmth, energy, or introspection, 'Artwork Orange' offers a contemplative space for self-reflection and introspection.

Geometry in Slovenian art, Gallery Zuccato, Porec 2023

Koncept abstrakcije v sodobnosti zavzema bistveno drugačen odnos do resničnosti od idejnih tokov, ki jih je zastopala umetnost klasičnega in povojnega modernizma. Če so slednji vzpostavljali subjektiven odnos do zunanjosti skozi njeno simbolno, estetsko, utopično reinterpretacijo in likovno redukcijo, je danes abstrakcija inherentni del vsakdanjega življenja in njegovih abstrahiranih rutinskih operacij. Namesto formalne inovacije abstraktno formo osmišlja tematska evolucija, ki se v umetnosti odziva na nevidno abstraktno strukturo operacijskih sistemov, tehnoloških naprav, algoritmov in kibernetske infrastrukture, pa tudi na geometrijo urbanega okolja, hipotetične objekte znanosti, dinamične ekonomske in biološke sisteme. Naravo, nezavedno, ekspresivno izraznost telesa, ki so opredeljevali estetiko abstraktne forme, nadomeščajo računalniške simulacije in vizualizacije, umetna inteligenca in tehnološki pripomočki, ki vzpostavljajo nova razmerja med telesom, subjektom in tehnologijo, med umetnimi in organskimi svetovi.
Umetniki na razstavi se skozi različna tematska izhodišča in medije odzivajo na te izzive sodobnosti, pri tem pa je abstrakcija ponovno aktualna kot območje za nove vstope v dojemanje in razkrivanje procesov in mehanizmov, ki določajo realnost; še vedno ustvarja alegorične podobe sveta, le da se je ta bistveno spremenil.
Kustos razstave: dr. Nadja Gnamuš
Razstavo smo pripravili v sodelovanju z Društvom likovnih umetnikov Ljubljana.

Svobodno sonce
Na razstavi se predstavljajo: Špela Čadež (v sodelovanju z Zarjo Menart ter Anko Kočevar), Olja Grubić, Duša Jesih, Simona Semenič in Nada Žgank, Maja Smrekar, Viktor Bernik, Žiga Kariž, Gorazd Krnc, Arjan Pregl, Miha Štrukelj, Sašo Vrabič.
Po skupinskih razstavah Better Doggy Style Than No Style, 2016 in Prrrrrrr, 2018, nameravamo v istih umetniških sestavih združiti moči pri novem projektu, kjer se bodo avtorice in avtorji pomerili v konfrontaciji ali povezavah idejnih izhodišč in se v t.i. moško-ženskem serioznem, predvsem pa v humornem preigravanju pussy in doggy style-a izognili pasti moraliziranjana v kontekstu zaostrenih definicij spolnih identitet oziroma diskurzu »ženske kot Druge«, ki ga med moškimi vzpostavljajo številni miti o ženskah. Dotaknili bi se problematike, ki bo v teku priprave razstave na delovnih srečanjih podrobneje definirana in bo izhajala iz referenčnega okvira – skupnega avtorskega glasbenega videa s spremljajočimi novimi deli, kot tudi z deli iz obstoječih avtorskih produkcij.
Umetnost v nepredvidljivem času
V normalnih okoliščinah bi v Mestni galeriji Ljubljana 16. aprila odprli razstavo, ki smo jo – kako ironično – naslovili Svobodno sonce. V okviru projekta bi se predstavile avtorice in avtorji sodobne likovne scene. Upamo, da se bo njihova predstavitev zgodila v najkrajšem možnem času. Do takrat pa lahko čas, ki nam sedaj teče počasneje kot običajno, izkoristimo za učenje novih slikarskih veščin in za premislek o kakovosti časa, ki ga preživljamo v izolaciji.
Zaradi trenutnih okoliščin, ko je naša svoboda postavljena pod vprašaj, se nam umetniki oglašajo iz izolacije v svojih domačih ateljejev in z nami delijo napotke za ustvarjanje, misli, povezane s trenutno situacije in ponujajo vpogled v njihov ustvarjalni proces ...

This month, we are pleased to introduce our brand new Sea Artist, DUSA JESIH:
Dusa Jesih was born on 16 January 1977 in Ljubljana. In 1996, she completed the Secondary School for Design and Photography in Ljubljana, specializing in graphic design. She obtained her BA in painting at the College of Visual arts in Ljubljana where she also completed her specialization in painting three years later. In the period 2006–2007, Jesih attended specialization courses at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris. In 2012, she enrolled in the master's program at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana and received the Preseren Award for students in 2015. She lives in Ljubljana.
Mothership NYC
252 Green Street
Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NYC

Dusa Jesih, Go with the flow, Hommage a Eileen Gray, 180x360 cm, folding screen, 2017 | Opening of Group Show AN IMAGE IN A MEDIUM, A MEDIUM IN A CONTEXT, Salon ZDSLU at National Museum Ljubljana

I’m very pleased to let you know that I have been chosen to be featured in the New This Week 11-20-2017 Collection on Saatchi Art's homepage. You can see the collection here: https://www.saatchiart.com/…/New-This-We…/153961/211035/view