Dusa jesih, (No) dialogue, Solo Show | Mirat&Co Madrid
(No) dialogue it is the first solo of the Eslovenian artist Dusa Jesih in Spain in which the artist starts a search for balance between space and time, between movement and stillness, between the finite and the infinite. This search becomes a constant in her works in which she studies the combination of geometric and morphological and the diferents chromatic elements.
Jesih divides the surface with linear constructions towards nonsymmetrical segments but from there she does not follow neither the path of rationalistic poetics nor the preconceived logic of representation. This results into monumental geometric shapes seen as an interactive dialogue between the artist and her public. In this way, these geometrical shapes symbolize the infinite and the eternity; visual and sensorial space uncovers itself and it expands through the mind opening the gaze up.
This multidisciplinary exhibition is structured through painting, installations and video in what can be called a “Gesamtkunstwerk”, “the definitive art work” revealing new perspectives and encouraging dialogue.

Dusa Jesih, (No dialogue, light object - animation, 2016
Dusa Jesih, (No) dialogue, instalation, wood, concrete,steel, neon, 2016

Dusa Jesih, Another point of view, polyptych 210x600cm, acrylic on canvas, 20114-16
Dusa Jesih, Reverse from Holly, poliptych 2x3m, acrylic on canvas, 2016
Dusa Jesih, Reverse from Holly, poliptych 2x3m, acrylic on canvas, 2016